
A Prototype Extractor of CO₂ from Exhaust Gases adopting Post-combustion capture process is developed in this study and its performance was evaluated. The system consists of a small petrol engine of 1kw power, an absorber with volume of 0.00054 m³, a balloon that can contain sizeable amount of exhaust gas, a washer of 0.0181m³, a compressor of 1hp, a dryer which consist of two compartment, with internal volume of 0.00093 m³insulated with fibre glass to prevent heat loss. All of these component parts works in a circle, to convert stockpiled exhaust gases from exhaust manifold point source of an electrical power generating set into carbon (iv) oxide (CO2). This system was carefully developed to ensure extraction of pure CO₂  from the waste emission gases. Study was conducted using the developed system to extract suspected CO₂ gaseous substance from exhaust gases. The obtained gaseous substance was assay for chemical analysis test using sodalime solution (CaHNaO2). The result of the test confirmed the extracted gaseous substance as CO₂ gas by changing a colorless sodalime solution to a milk color. It is also found that the quantity of CO₂ gas generated increases with the increment of the quantity of the fuel consumed by the Petrol engine. The produced CO₂ gas can be utilized as commodity in the industrial production of materials and fuels. This work has elucidated one of the means of converting waste emissions (exhaust gases) to wealth and could help to reduce greenhouse effect thus providing a friendly environment for humans’ inhabitants.


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